"You think the average JW knew nothing before", maybe they are the ones approved
by the service committee to sit aimlessly for hours. I wonder what are the qualification to
sit and do nothing.
was talking to a good buddy of mine a couple days ago (we pioneered and were in bethel together and have both left the cult a few years ago), about the current cart and d. and the consensus was that it is now a complete joke.
was watching a couple witnesses last week sit at a table with their literature display.
no approaching people for conversation, no initiating stimulating dialogue with passerbys, as was encouraged when i "pioneered" back in the day.
"You think the average JW knew nothing before", maybe they are the ones approved
by the service committee to sit aimlessly for hours. I wonder what are the qualification to
sit and do nothing.
was talking to a good buddy of mine a couple days ago (we pioneered and were in bethel together and have both left the cult a few years ago), about the current cart and d. and the consensus was that it is now a complete joke.
was watching a couple witnesses last week sit at a table with their literature display.
no approaching people for conversation, no initiating stimulating dialogue with passerbys, as was encouraged when i "pioneered" back in the day.
The door to door work was great for exercising the cart work not so good for the body.
I hated the door to door walk but if I was still a JW I would love the cart work , count
your hours and never speak to anyone.LOL
shouldn't they say thanks for" holding down the fort" until we take over?.
Jehovah: I be damn, they are trying to unite down there I can't have that. Where is Satan, call
him and tell him I have a assignment for him..I will bring peace on earth when I say so. This
UN thing will not take any credit in peace on earth, not in my life time.
I would hate to sit down in a game of poker with God and he deals the cards....
i know there was a crazy false urban legend years ago about jeopardy saying the nwt was the most accurate bible, but on tonights episode they really were mentioned.
the clue went something like 'this religion was started by charles taze russell and publishes the watchtower'.
a player buzzed in a she said 'who are the jehovah's witnesses'.
I was told that Adam was the first JW, but he was DF and when I say he was DF I mean
he was DF. The poor guy was kicked out of his home. Hell Moses was a JW long
before Russell, that's what I was told.....
i know there was a crazy false urban legend years ago about jeopardy saying the nwt was the most accurate bible, but on tonights episode they really were mentioned.
the clue went something like 'this religion was started by charles taze russell and publishes the watchtower'.
a player buzzed in a she said 'who are the jehovah's witnesses'.
My answer, "Adam".
flood 2304 bc (http://creation.com/the-date-of-noahs-flood).
neolithic 8500-1500 bc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_neolithic_cultures_of_china).
egyption dynasty 4 2613 to 2494 bc, dynasty 5: 2494 to 2345 bc, dynasty 6: 2345 - 2181 bc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_ancient_egyptian_dynasties).
Saename, that sounds good to me. That's the fun part about some of the accounts in the Bible,
nothing is clear cut.
do you know the name of the country where the wt said the brothers walked thru alligators infested waters to go to the assembly, etc?
there is no way i will do that for jehoober!
they sound like rick fearon.
It amaze me how they (JW) make these extraordinary claims about what the brothers go
through to attend the meetings. I knew a brother a Maya in Central America,
when he attended the mid week meeting he and his family would visit my family and play
the video games after the meeting. So I ask him one day, you are not concern for the safety
for your family while traveling in a dory in alligators infested waters at nights?
He told me he have lived all his life in the bush, it's no big deal. He said he would be more
afraid attending the meetings in the big cities where he may get mugged, he knows the alligators
he was not concern..
flood 2304 bc (http://creation.com/the-date-of-noahs-flood).
neolithic 8500-1500 bc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_neolithic_cultures_of_china).
egyption dynasty 4 2613 to 2494 bc, dynasty 5: 2494 to 2345 bc, dynasty 6: 2345 - 2181 bc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_ancient_egyptian_dynasties).
Gen. 6:4 and Numbers 13:33 is a big problem for believers.
Gen.6;4 the Nephilim (giants). After the flood in
Num.13:33 "So Nephilim translated "giants, They saw the giants the descendants of
Anak came from the giants (Nephilim).
yes, that is what a witness said after the police shootings and terrible aftermath of violence occurred this week in the usa..... they said that it now gives them a chance to live forever...as if they would not have had that opportunity if they had not been tragically killed..... of course according to witness teachings, the contradictory thing is that if the big a had come a day before, then those same people would have been killed by jehovah because they were not his worshipers.....
You were given a chance to hear Jehovahs word but you rejected it, says JW's.
But my government didn't allow you folks to preach, is that my fault.
JW: that's not my problem, you read in the papers about your government decision and the
headlines "Jehovahs WITNESS" we don't want you in our country.
But I didn't know anything about JW's and what they believe.
I don't give a crap, at some time in your life you heard the word Jehovah and that should have
been enough. Anyway we have ask Jehovah for over a 100 years to bring destruction and death
to your children, you and everyone you know..We want our paradise no matter what the cost..
You JW's are some sick folks......
so i hooked into meeting via phone this week to listen in and was shocked at the absurdities mentioned in the study article (2016 may watchtower: "go,..and make disciples of people of all the nations").
the answer is obvious—only jehovah’s witnesses.
the answer the missionary priest gave in no way proves that jws are the only ones "preaching the good news".
Are there nations today or "ethnic groups (greek word for nation "ethane" that has
never heard the word of GOD..http:joshuaproject.net/resources/articles/has-everyone-
heard. OR "Has everyone heard", Joshua Project...